Revelation of Jesus is Revelation of God

January 3, Wednesday of Christmas Weekday
Memorial of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Daily readings: 1 John 2:29–3:6; John 1:29–34
Jesus was born to take away the sins of the world. That is why John the Baptist introduced Jesus to Andrew and the other disciples as the Lamb of God who takes the sin of the world. St. John, too, says that Jesus was revealed to the world as someone who would take away sins.
Jesus’ salvific mission consists of liberating humanity from sin. God has chosen him to be the mediator. God had to take human form. The need to take human form became a necessity. He was human in every way except sin, and therefore he would comprehend human struggles.
Big crowds came to John the Baptist to receive the baptism of repentance. He was not in a position to identify who Jesus was or what he looked like. He was given a sign. The Holy Spirit would descend from heaven and remain on him like a dove. That is why he would baptize with the Holy Spirit. The one who possesses the Holy Spirit is capable of sending him to others.
Once again, John the Baptist bears testimony to what he has seen. He testifies to the same. That is what happens to those who experience God in some way or another. They cannot keep quiet. They will have to share it with others. The testimony of John the Baptist is for the sake of the audience. They may or may not accept the Messiah. Those who accept will obtain eternal life, and those who reject will be deprived of an opportunity to live in the presence of God.
In celebrating the Holy Name of Jesus, we realize that he is the redeemer of the world. It is good to know the importance and meaning of our names.
Call to Action for Catholic Living: We have to constantly make choices in our lives. Today, we can choose to pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.” Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.