Franciscan sisters, priests, brothers, and volunteers collected and disposed of sacks of trash strewn around a seaside of Cordova, the only town on Mactan island in Cebu, on August 31.
At the close of the 3 rd general assembly of the Archdiocese Commission on the Laity ACL in Cebu City, Cebu Archbishop Jose S. Palma told Radio Veritas Asia that he foresees Rome’s approval of Sugbuswak within the year.
In response to growing concerns surrounding governance and service in charismatic communities, Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma, the episcopal adviser of CHARIS Philippines, has called for forming a society of diocesan and charismatic spiritual directors.
Fred and Emen said they taught the catechumens catechesis for three months minus any fixed schedule because the converts were unavailable simultaneously.
The Archdiocese of Cebu will host the 5th Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy from October 14 to 19 at the IC3 Pavilion in Cebu City, in collaboration with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).
“There was some resistance and rejection of the Divine Mercy devotion in the context of other devotions already existing in diocesan organizations,” Mons. Kintanar
“We are responsible for reporting and monitoring what is happening in Asia insofar as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Church is concerned,” Fe Mantuhac Barin said.
Even as he acknowledged the NMP’s desire to exhibit the panels to the general public, Palma said the illegal removal of the panels “constitutes a sacrilege.”
Filipino overseas workers who grew up around families devoted to Santo Niño de Cebu have brought the faith to many places all over the world becoming messengers of hope and peace
Fr. Soquiño’s challenge to devotees of the Santo Nino was a reaction to the message of Pope Francis on World Day of Peace on the theme, “Artificial Intelligence and Peace”.
Archbishop Palma said he hopes that the momentum of the work be sustained, for the “ecclesiastical watershed” to “continue overflowing as pathways to the hearts of all the faithful.”
The joint national convention of the World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) and Youth Apostolate of Fatima (YAF) Philippines opened on May 19 in Cebu, the Philippines.
In Cebu Philippines, more than 3 million devotees have joined the solemn foot procession for Santo Niño de Cebu. Devotees brought their Sto Niño image for the blessing in Cebu, Philippines
Pope Francis granted the Pontifical Coronation of the 422-year-old miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Nuestra Señora del Patrocinio of Boljoon, Cebu, Philippines.