An intense journey with Jesus in Jerusalem requires commitment!

March 25, Monday of Holy Week
Daily Readings: Isaiah 42:1-7, John 12:1-11
The text of today’s First Reading is from the First Song of the Suffering Servant, who is in exile. The people of Israel at this time in history are also in Babylonian exile. God understands their sufferings, pains, and aches. He plans for their return. He introduces the liberator, the chosen one, as His servant, in whom His soul delights. This instantly reminds us of Isaiah 61:1-2, which Jesus reads in Luke 4:18–19. All that is spoken about the liberator of Israel of the Old Testament exilic times fits in very well with Jesus the Son of God in today’s context.
Six days before Holy Thursday, Jesus is in Bethany, in the house of Lazarus, Martha, and Maria, over a dinner. Mary anoints the feet of Jesus and draws severe concern and observation from Judas Iscariot. Jesus corrects him, saying that this act is prophetic. She will have to repeat it on Good Friday.
Crowds assemble, eager to witness the resurrection of Jesus and Lazarus. Two kinds of reactions are visible. The chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death together with Jesus because he became the cause of many Jews believing in Jesus. His life has become a witness. Both Jesus and Lazarus deserve to die because the crowds have begun to desert Jewish belief and have reposed their faith in Jesus.
This reading builds up the tone and intensity of the spirituality of the Holy Week, where believers are called to intensify their intimate journey with Jesus.
Call to Action for Catholic Living: An intense journey with Jesus in Jerusalem embroiled with the Jewish authorities, connects us very well with the challenges that we face because of our identity. Jesus stands out as an excellent model. It is enough to look at him and his teachings. But we need courage and honesty. Do we possess them or are we at least willing to cultivate them?
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