The Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA) and the SVD (Divine Word) congregation in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, central India, awarded the Swami Devanand Chakkungal Award for Hindi literature to author, journalist, and children's rights activist Joseph Anthony Gathia.
She critically analyzes the deeper aspects of Dalits’ and Tribals’ exploitation and subjugation; she has extensively written about the injustice they face on many fronts. She has also written many success stories of Dalit Christians, which had a great impact on her life itself, the press note said.
Archbishop D'Cruze said, "Today is a day of great joy for the Catholic Church in Bangladesh and for the brothers of the Holy Cross. Because eight brothers are receiving final vows for their lives today by responding to God's call to preach the Good News and they are devoting their lives to Christian service."
“As long as we don’t get caught up in labels, and remember that the whole world is present, symbolically, and the whole world is listening, and the whole world is engaged in this process,” Bishop Sebastian Francis said.
Archbishop Arshad said in a press conference, "21 churches were attacked, more than 250 Christians' homes were burned, the cross was desecrated and churches and homes of Christians were looted.”
Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the Archbishop of Bombay, led a "March for Life" against India's abortion law on August 10 in Pune, and a team delivered a memorandum supporting the rights of the unborn to local authorities.
Pope Francis met Andry Nirina Rajoelina, the Catholic President of Madagascar, along with Mialy Razakandisa his wife, his sons Arena and Ilonstoa, and a daughter, Ilona on August 17, 2023.
A Malaysian bishop who is set to be elevated to the cardinalate next month said that his appointment is a vital decision for Pope Francis who wants to implant the Catholic faith in every culture, particularly in a diverse region such as Asia.