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Superior General of SVD appointed Archbishop of Ende in Indonesia

Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden, SVD, elected archbishop of Ende, Indonesia. (Photo: Screenshot of SVD Mission TV)

Pope Francis appointed Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden, SVD, as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ende in Indonesia, on May 25, until now Superior General of the Society of the Divine Word.

“The Holy See announced that His Holiness, Pope Francis, has appointed our confrere, Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden, SVD, as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ende in Indonesia, until now Superior General of the Society of the Divine Word,” said Father José Antunes da Silva, SVD's Vice Superior General, in a statement.

While expressing gratitude to God for this new gift to the church, Fr. Antunes da Silva congratulated Fr. Kleden on his appointment, describing it as an honor and recognition for the Society of the Divine Word.

"Thanking God for his new gift in the Church, we pray for God’s continued blessing on Fr. Budi Kleden,” he said.

“We share the joy of our confrere over his appointment as the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ende. By naming our confrere to the episcopal ministry, the Holy Father has once again expressed the confidence of the Holy See in our Society," the statement said.

Fr. Kleden was born on November 16, 1965, in Waibalun, Diocese of Larantuka, Flores, Indonesia.

He made his first vows in Ledalero on August 1, 1987, and his final vows in St. Gabriel, Austria, on September 29, 1992, before receiving his priestly ordination there on May 15, 1993.

He has a Doctorate in Systematic Theology from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.

Since his ordination to the priesthood, he has exercised various ministries and responsibilities: lecturer at Seminary St. Paul, Ledalero (2001–2012), Formator at Seminary St. Paul, Ledalero (2001–2005), provincial administrator of SVD's Indonesian Ende Province (IDE) (2005–2007), vice Superior Provincial of IDE (2007–2008), General Councilor (2012-2018) and Superior General (2018–2024).

In 1913, the Apostolic Prefecture established the Archdiocese of Ende. In 1961, it became an archdiocese. It covers 5,084 square kilometers and has 486,000 Catholics (in a population of 602,000).

It has 72 parishes, 261 priests (185 diocesan, 76 religious), 9 deacons, 230 members of women’s religious institutes, 203 members of men’s religious institutes, and 74 seminarians (2023).


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