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Daily Reflection

  • Childlike Faith

    Reflect, today, upon whether you find yourself spending excessive time thinking about the mysteries of life only to be left confused.
  • “My Lord and My God!”

    It’s easy to be critical of St. Thomas for his lack of belief reflected in his statement above. But before you allow yourself to think poorly of him, think about how you would have responded.
  • Calming the Storm

    Reflect, today, on how you react to hardship and problems in your life. Be they big or small, do you face them with the confidence, calm and hope that Jesus wants you to have? Life is too short to be filled with terror.
  • Proclaiming the Gospel

    On this feast of Saints Peter and Paul, may Christ give all of us, and the entire Church, the courage, charity, and wisdom we need to continue to be the instruments that set the world free.
  • Do to Others…

    Reflect, today, on the natural desire you have in your heart for the love and respect of others. Then, make this the focus of how you treat those around you.
  • The Lord’s Prayer

    Calling God “our” Father also reveals the union we share with one another. All who call God their Father in this intimate way are brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • A Hidden Life for God

    Holiness is especially found in your hidden life. There, where you are seen only by God, you must act in a way that pleases God. You must live a life of virtue, prayer, sacrifice and self-giving when only God sees.
  • Love Your Enemies

    Commit yourself this day to prayer for the person you struggle with the most. This prayer will most likely not change your love for them over night, but if you commit to this form of prayer every day, over time God will slowly change your heart and free you of the burden of anger and hurt that may keep you from the love He wants you to have toward all people.
  • Turning the Other Cheek

    Reflect, today, on any relationships that are difficult for you. Especially reflect upon how ready you are to forgive and to turn the other cheek. Doing this may just bring you the peace and freedom you seek in that relationship.
  • Avoidance of Sin

    Regarding our thoughts, sometimes we can allow ourselves to dwell excessively upon this or that. As a result, these thoughts can lead us to sin. The key is to “pluck out” that initial thought that produces the bad fruit.
  • Love is in the Details

    Think, today, about those whom God has put in your life to love. This would especially apply to family members and especially to spouses. How attentive are you to every small act of kindness and compassion?
  • Making a Difference

    Reflect, today, upon how open you are. Pray each day that God will use you in accord with His divine purpose. Make yourself available to His divine grace and you will be amazed at the way He can use the small things in your life to make a difference.
  • The Beatitudes

    While the Beatitudes of Jesus provide a way of life that promises salvation in the life to come, they also bring peace in the midst of our trials and tribulations on this earth.
  • Love must be contagious

    Reflect upon how well you let that love of God shine forth for others to see. You should be very free in letting your love of God be lived and expressed in an open way.
  • Knowing the Mind of God

    Reflect, today, upon whether you are struggling in any way with misleading and confusing thoughts. Humble yourself so that Jesus can redirect your thinking and help you to arrive at the truth.