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India: Migrant Commission Launches Project Inclusion on Empowering informal Migrant Workers 

The Commission for Migrants of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) launched a new project, "Supporting Informal Migrant Workers: Access to Entitlements," on May 24 at Archbishop’s House Conference Hall, New Delhi. 

The initiative is designed to foster inclusivity, guaranteeing that every migrant worker receives equitable access to fundamental rights and services.

The Commission, together with the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), envisioned this project as a way to address the challenges faced by informal migrant workers in accessing essential services such as healthcare, education, and social protection.

The project will also focus on raising awareness about the rights of informal migrant workers and advocating for policy changes to better protect this marginalized group.

The Metropolitan Archbishop, Most Rev. Anil J.T. Couto, the Secretary General of CCBI and CBCI, said, "This project is a testament to our commitment to serving the community and providing essential services to those in need.

"I am confident that this initiative will have a positive impact on the lives of many individuals in our city," said the archbishop.

The prelate emphasized the importance of collaboration between different stakeholders to ensure the project's success, as well as the need for continued community support to make a lasting difference in the lives of informal migrant workers.

The archbishop expressed his hope that this project will serve as a model for other cities to follow in addressing the challenges faced by marginalized populations. 

He reiterated the importance of treating all individuals as part of one family, transcending boundaries of language, culture, and origin.

"The gospel teaches us to overcome and bring down the walls we have built up," he stated, emphasizing the core message of love and unity in Christ's teachings. 

Father Jaison Vadassery, the Executive Secretary of the CCBI Commission for Migrants and ICMC, shared testimonies on the impactful outcomes of the previous project, 'Livelihood Support to Migrant Workers.

He stated that the program assisted 300 migrants from the three dioceses. His insights into the new project's vision emphasized the importance of integrating beneficiaries with government schemes to improve their access to entitlements.

He also declared that the International Catholic Migration Commission will provide funding for the project's implementation in the dioceses of Agra, Meerut, and Delhi, overseen by their partners.

He said that the project will focus on providing training and campaigns on entitlements regarding social security and legal assistance to informal migrant workers in these areas.

Fifteen participants in the project launch were from Agra, Meerut, and Delhi. The stakeholders expressed their commitment to working together to address the challenges faced by informal migrant workers in accessing their rights and entitlements. 

Sr. Rani Punnasseril highlighted the importance of legal advocacy and awareness campaigns to empower informal migrant workers to assert their rights. 

Father Sunil Crasta, the Social Forum Director of North India, underscored the importance of these meetings, which will provide a platform for ongoing collaboration and communication between stakeholders, fostering a more cohesive approach to addressing the challenges faced by informal migrant workers.

"We can make positive changes to enhance the well-being and rights of these individuals in the long term by maintaining this commitment and momentum," said Crasta.

The launching ceremony concluded with a commitment from all participants to work together to improve the living and working conditions of informal migrant workers in the community.

The Secretary of the Commission for Migrants of the North Region, Sister Punnasseril, announced plans for regular follow-up meetings to monitor progress and guarantee the effective meeting of the needs of this marginalized population.


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