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Jesus, the Responsible Shepherd

February 04, Saturday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time
Hebrew 13:15-17. 20-21 & Mark 6:30-34

It is God himself who works in us through Jesus Christ. The author of the letter to the Hebrews asks for God's intervention on behalf of his readers. Asks the God of peace, who raised Jesus the great Shepherd, to put them back in conditions to fulfill the divine will. Thus, it reveals that God is not only the one to whom we must thank for our certain behavior but He is, above all,
the one who accomplishes in us what is pleasing to him: a life of prayer, charity, and goodness for all.

The Gospel presents a beautiful story of compassion. Jesus took pity on them because they were "like sheep without a shepherd." Jesus is presented today in the Gospel as the good shepherd announced by the prophets, who cares not only for the people of God but also for the rest of his followers. He invites his apostles to seek rest in a secluded place since they had not found time to eat, that is, to live the most important expression of their communion. But, upon reaching the place, Jesus discovers that a crowd is waiting for him. Looking at them, He felt compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. He manifests his merciful concern of a responsible shepherd, who does not abandon His sheep.

Here Jesus’ expects His disciples also to feel that compassion for the crowd. We exist in this world with a purpose. We have received much from God and so there is no excuse for us not to share blessings with others, especially the needy and the abandoned.

Jesus discourages non-stop activity and calls the attention of His disciples to rest after their journey of mission. Their time inside the boat was already an opportunity to relax and rest. The invitation to rest means not only the necessary relaxation of the body, mind, and spirit but allows them to internalize the mission that they have done and the mission that they are going to do next. The story illustrates well the balance in Jesus’ life and it also reminds us that we do not only seek God for the sake of connecting with others but, we are asked to seek ourselves to reach out to others by strengthening our relationship with God.

For reflection:
Considering the crowd: How many times I do not call on God anymore, thinking that I can live without Him?

Considering the disciples: how often I do not entertain the needs of my neighbor who knock on my door for a piece of bread or an ear to listen to their problem?

Considering Jesus: How good am I at balancing my day-to-day living? Doing the right thing at the right time?


Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.”  Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.