Boosting local economy, Indonesian church sponsors eco enzyme derivative product competition, exhibition

The Social Economy Development Commission of the Holy Spirit Cathedral Parish of Denpasar Diocese in Bali, Indonesia, held a competition and showed Eco Enzyme-based goods on October 16.
As many as 23 people from the parish's Basic Ecclesiastical Communities (BECs) participated in World Food Day competitions. They competed for Eco Enzyme-derived items, including wine vinegar, salak vinegar, and bar and liquid soap products.
An eco-enzyme is a liquid or solution used for many different things. It is made by fermenting leftover fruits and vegetables with brown sugar cane.
In his opening remarks, the cathedral parish priest, Father Herman Yoseph Babey, said that in 2021, the socioeconomic development section of the Diocese of Denpasar trained people of different BECs on the Eco Enzyme-derived.
“The result of the training showed in the competitions and exhibitions,” he said.
The priest said the realization of this competition through food production, environmental nutrition, and a better life was inspired by the World Food Day theme, "No one left behind."
"The things we show off on World Food Day are part of what makes our economy strong. So. we are obliged to take home all the available products and don't forget to give the money according to the price listed, said the priest, adding that he has tasted wine and salak vinegar products.

Head of Denpasar Diocese's Community Action Division, Alex Vitalis, said, "The training made the faithful in every BEC member want to apply it, even if it meant making products from eco-enzymes. Some training results are being evaluated, which have already taken the form of eco-enzyme derivatives.”
He believes that these eco-enzyme derivatives could stimulate the economy.
"Everyone can buy the eco-enzyme derivatives on display at very reasonable prices," he said.
"This is an effort to help the people's economy, " he added.
In the spirit of World Food Day's theme, "Leave no one behind," he stressed that a portion of the proceeds from selling the exhibition's products would be used to purchase rice for those in need.
"There are already 100 bundles of 5 kg of rice that will be sent to people in need," Vitalis said.
In the middle of the most popular tourist destination in the world, the Diocese of Denpasar, which includes the cathedral parish, is home to 35,000 Catholics who live in 22 parishes and are served by 49 priests.
It is one of the dioceses in Indonesia that works to improve the country's economy. It does this with the help of the Economic Development Commission.
In a previous pastoral letter about World Food Day (RVA News, October 06, 2022), the Indonesian Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Archbishop of Jakarta, asked the country's Catholics to respect human dignity by helping needy communities affected by the global food crisis.
He also urged them to come up with ways to work together to feed the poor. - Kasmir Nema
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