In a synodal Church, we are encouraged to embrace new perspectives and approaches. During our last XXVI general chapter in Rome in 2021, I learned about an innovative process used in religious life.
The spirit of the Season of Creation is to bring us together for common prayer and action to protect our common home. This year’s theme is: “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God.”
In a poetic-prose style, Fr. Ittoop reflects on the elements of nature we are part of, like fire, earth, water, space, and air. The call to know thyself echoes a call to praise God. 'Know thyself' and join the chorus 'Laudato si'
Yes, we feel death of every friend diminishes us. How to we maintain our humanity and grow out of these dark days? We need to cry at the loss. Since we have love, our hearts are broken. To shed tears is the ultimate sanctity of human relationships. Jesus wept at his friend Lazaro’s death.
We offer all our people to the protection of God. Our people's destiny is more and more in the hands of God as we sail through these stormy seas of fear, despair, anxiety and pandemic.
"Let each one of us start a spiritual pilgrimage of not colluding with dark forces of evil but have the courage to confront evil and like the apostles"
We have an urgent message for today and it comes from the Second reading: St Paul says “As Christ became poor for our sake, so must we share with those in need from our abundance.”
"Dear Myanmar people, this darkness will go away. Let us believe. Let us hope. Let the God of Moses who walked with the Israelites in the desert lead us to the promised land."