A small rural village in France — the priest Vincent de Paul preached a sermon in front of poor peasants in the countryside who did not have access to the church since many of its priests were in the cities.
There is a new world possible, a new Myanmar possible, a nation without conflict is possible when this nation turns around and transfigures into the glory it deserves. Make peace our destiny, not conflict.
We put into the hands of the Father our lives during this time of the pandemic, and also the people of Myanmar as they pass through this most challenging moment of their history as a country.
I write with prayers and hope that his great nation, this golden land of a graceful people will enter into global stage as a reconciled community of hope and peace.
Today’s readings have given a road map for the Church and the family to become disciples, giving up the temptations of constantly doing transactions with God as a devotee but as a disciple.
The readings this Sunday invite us to be open to the many ways the Lord can draw us to himself, and also to the ways that he may be calling us to help him in drawing others to himself.
Let us dream together for a day when peace based on economic and environmental justice prevails in Myanmar, the day when all the refugees, internally displaced people will return home as full citizens.
Holy Family feast is the central theme of our faith Journey. It started with the Trinity. Our God lives in a family. Three persons sharing equally, not competing. Trinity is a symbol of family.
Where is the child wrapped in swaddling clothes? Where is his mother Mary and his father Joseph? Where are the shepherds who hear the ‘Gloria in excelsis Deo’?
When homeschool fathers need inspiration, ask for St. Thomas More’s help, to be like him, “God’s good servant”, offering love and sacrifice for our family.